Sunday, May 16, 2010

The diet continues

So it is now Sunday. I have been on my 500 calorie diet since Thursday. Per the manual hunger may still exist but should pass shortly; I have never felt so hungry for so long in my life. I have no energy and I am literally on the verge of tears. I am doing the diet per the instructions but I cannot help but think that I am doing something wrong. I mean, how is it possible to feel so hungry?!?

The one good thing I can say is I have gone down from 242.5 to 235.5 since Thursday. There are results occurring but I just don't see them for myself yet. I do have a tendency to be a bit hard on myself when it comes to dieting; if I am not losing more than anyone else who has done the diet before me, then I feel I must be doing something wrong.

I have many days ahead of me on this diet and I can only hope it will get better. I have already started planning what I will eat once I can have more than 100 grams of meat in a single serving and what I will eat for my belated birthday dinner. Oh and also what I will be eating on my next binge days... Yeah it's sad, but the only thing that is keeping me going...

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